I have this belief that, if I go through life doing the things I'm supposed to do, being true to myself and making choices according to what's right, my life will follow the intended path and good things will happen. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it, Hansel and Gretel? Sometimes, though, those hungry little birds gobble your crumbs right up, and the way becomes a lot less clear. Then you wind up in some nasty witch's oven wishing you could find your keys, or perhaps your cell phone.

"...and then I ate all the crumbs!!!"
But I have come to realize that the way to go is not always going to be clear, or easy, or pretty, or fair. In fact, I wouldn't wish that. The more I'm challenged, the more I grow, the more I learn. Nope, you can't settle for the easy life, or the ennui will set in quickly. Where's the fun in that? Challenge is the spice of life, right? That's why it's fun to cook when you've been drinking.
*Please note, this isn't a sermon, a lecture or even advice. It's just a quick release of thoughts, like a mental sneeze.
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