This morning, as I was getting ready for work (yes, I do get dressed and wear makeup even though I work from home), I glanced down, and there was a BIG brown spider glancing up. I screeched (quietly because people were still sleeping and I am considerate), and then remembered, with a flood of relief, that I have State Farm Insurance. I stepped back, scrunched my eyes shut and sang, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there..." I took a deep breath, opened my eyes and my State Farm agent was nowhere in sight. I had to smoosh that spider myself. Thanks a lot, State Farm. I wanted to switch to Allstate, so then the spider would at least talk to me in a deep, reassuring voice. They wouldn't insure us, though, because my husband is a "bad driver." He either needs to start driving better or start smashing the creepy crawlies so I don't have to.
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