So, I'm a little pissed as I write this tonight. My mom (the polypollyist) is the goddess of homemade macaroni and cheese. I do well if I can produce something edible and not too overtly orange (like me after a spray tan) out of those little Kraft boxes. Tonight, I feel like giving my kids a little more than the oompa loompa of the mac and cheese world, so I'm trying to figure out how to make this shit in a pan in the oven with actual cheese, y'all. And I am failing. So I tried to call my mother. That's what you do when you're adrift, right? Doesn't matter that you're way past 30 and been on your own for a bit. In fact, the first three Ramen-with-corn years don't even count. Neither do the three following Hamburger-Helper-with-corn years. So, I figure, I'm only 12 years into this, and if I can make the most kickass enchiladas and chicken fried steak and roughly 14 badass chicken dishes like a boss, then I have a get out of dinner jail free card. Unfortunately, the ever-easy, yet totally unkind mac and cheese is eluding me like a bitch. So, since my mom isn't home, I naturally turned to google and found this nugget. Let's see how this goes. My first thought, upon reading through the recipe, is that this woman is also a goddess of mac and cheese and totally awesome. My second thought is, Fuck, I have to make a roux? What is a roux? Let the games begin!
Here's a link to the recipe in case you missed it up there: Link to awesome mac and cheese recipe (You gotta read this first, or the rest makes even less sense, trust me.)
Ok, so I forgot the egg. Just totally forgot. Well, I mean, I got them out of the fridge, cracked one, beat it like a little bitch and then left it sitting right on the counter. Fuck you, egg. It's baking now (the mac and cheese, not the egg), and it smells good. I'm a little frustrated that the recipe doesn't provide a cooking temperature, but we'll cook it at 350 (I'd cook it at 311 ideally, but my oven won't let me) and forgive her because she's still pretty awesome, especially with all those pictures that I didn't bother to post. I'll let you know what the kids think when it's done.
Votes are in, and it is.... fanfreakintastic! It was all melty and delicious. I made the macaroni SUPER al dente, so I added a little milk to make sure my noodles wouldn't break your teeth. I also used 1% milk instead of whole because that's just how I roll. For the cheese, cheddar and monterey jack, and I threw in salt, paprika and even a little parsley because it's pretty. I would have added a bit more pepper and maybe some cayenne for a kick, but it is a hit, and I will be making it again, fo sho!
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