This is the pecan farm. Huge and beautiful. |
...or not to sell pecans? That is the question. |
This is what happened when little kid Chuck Norris decided to dig a hole to China. BAM! Carlsbad Caverns, baby. |
Eventually we headed to the Clovis-Portales area. My stomping ground, if you want to stomp on peanuts, I guess, or cow poop. That's abundant everywhere out there. God, now we're on cow poop again. Sorry, y'all. Portales is called Goober Gulch by those in the know because peanuts are sort of its bumper crop (and peanuts are also called goobers), unless you count wind. There is a shit load of wind. Most of my family is still hanging on in that neck of the woods, so I was excited to see them.
We interrupt this blog for some incoherent thought processes. (Because, you know, coherent thought has been the name of the game so far, right?) Please proceed to the nearest exit if you're a sissy or a stickler for story telling that actually makes sense. I would just like to take a moment to point out some inconsistency between the Schoolhouse Rock teachings of the 80's and modern day common knowledge. In the 80's, we were taught (via talking salads and other foodstuffs) "You are what you eat." Now we learn that zombies have a healthy appetite for brains, yet they are quite stupid. 'Nuff said. Here's a link to support my theory: The Link That Supports My Theory
Oh, boy. If I had a sushi restaurant, the feature item on my menu would be the Rick Roll. That would be good stuff.
We now continue with our regularly scheduled thought process.
Everyone should have such a rhino in their front yard. |
We stayed the first night in the Goober Gulch vicinity with my dad, which is always an adventure. He had, during our previous visit back in July, a 2 1/2 foot tall fiberglass rhinoceros in his front yard, which he had carefully painted to look "realistic." Of course he did. If you've read the previous blog entries about my dad (or if you know him personally), this probably seems outrageously normal. But the kids totally loved the rhino, and spent lots of time "riding" it. Sadly, the rhino was gone during this trip, and the kids lamented its leaving. Even so, staying with my dad, there is always potential for adventure. He and my stepmom were not only gracious enough to put us up, but they also let me host an impromptu house party, and I got to see lots of people who are near and dear to my heart.
And this is in my dad's yard. He painted it, and I decided to include it just because I like it. |
This was my delicious burrito |
Leal's Mexican Restuarant - Chili relleno. That is all.
Taco Box - Green chili cheesburger and/or combo burrito and spanish fries (no, they are not just tater tots)
My little one is obviously thrilled about the candy store. They're not lying about the giant peanut patty either. Thing's as big as a pizza! |

JJ's Jumbo Burgers
Main Street in Clovis - It was hit hard when our first mall and Walmart opened up in 1989 (Clovis was a late bloomer), but there are still a lot of great local merchants out there, and it's definitely worth a look. I mean, you're in Clovis, so what else are you gonna do anyway? Plus, most of Main Street is still brick, so that's pretty cool.
This is it - my Grandmother's kitchen. |
The high school football stadium |
My souvenirs from home |
*Author's note: I blame much of this blog entry on allergy meds.