Ah, this always happens. Too many random thoughts happening all at once. Rather than annoying my friends with a million unrelated status updates, I'd rather set it down in one place. Right here. It'll be like a thought stew. Yum! Not to be confused with a brain stew. Yuck!
First, I'd like to wish my daughter Jenna a very happy birthday. Thank you for being my rainbows, magic and sunshine every day for the last 7 years. My world is more colorful, more beautiful, more amazing because you're in it. March is, in my opinion, the best time for birthdays.
Also, if they didn't want you to push your kids around in shopping carts at the speed of light, why did they put seatbelts in them?
Dear Mitt Romney,
I suspect that the reason you want to do away with planned parenthood is that it was widely unavailable in Michigan in 1946, and that is the reason you were born.
When people go down the drain, they seem to do it rather holistically. You've never heard a report, I bet, that poor people drink too much booze - but boy, do they love yoga!
As a parent, I feel that there is a time to stop measuring your child's age in months. For example:
"This our little Hasoosifus Jr. III..."
"Oh, he's adorable! He looks so like the first 2 Hasoosifus's! How old is he?"
"Well, he's 49 months..."
Um, no. He's 4. In 11 months, he will be 5. When people ask me how old I am, I don't respond, "Oh, well I'm 144 months (again)." There is a point when it just becomes years.
That is all.
That is all.
What great random thoughts ......I thing months end after 2 yrs. But what about fractions yrs. 2 1/2, 3 1/2, 34 1/2, 34 11/12. Happy early 420th month bday.
Stephen S
Happy 419.5 birthday to you too, friend! Soon you will be as old as me again.
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