I was looking over my blog today and realized I've only made one entry this year. One is the lonliest number, you know. This is testament to the fact that I've been beyond busy, so allow me to catch you up.
First order of business, I've been having dreams about diving with sharks, singing karaoke and being stuck in a cave. The word that leaps to mind is "anxiety" but I don't want to run to a doctor because I don't want some diagnosis that will follow me until the end of time. I have three kids, a husband, a functioning business, and at least two budding baby businesses I'm trying to manage. What stress? Remember the good old days when everything could be cured by rest and Flintstone's vitamins? I'm trying that early 70's "When licking lead paint doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger / Seatbelts, what seatbelts?" approach. So basically, I bought a bottle of wine and some Spongbob gummy vitamins. Wish me luck, y'all.
Secondly, R.I.P. my trusty little iPhone 4. I suddenly feel like I am missing my thumbs. Calendar - gone. Phone book - peace out. Deposit checks or run credit cards? Nope. Alarm clock? Good luck waking up, chump. No camera, no on-the-go travel reservations. Instagram, nooooo..... I went diving over the weekend, and iGills (nifty [not] little apparatus that turns your iPhone into a dive computer) happened to it. It wouldn't come out of iGills mode, and then suddenly the entire screen stopped working. Time for a new phone. And dive camera.
On the bright side, my dive was amazing (no
huge waves or grabbing onto
diveboat staff's "handholds" when trying to get back on the boat). Click
here and
here for those stories if you need catching up. We dove out of Pompano Beach off of the
Safari Diver. For those of you that dive, I TOTALLY recommend this boat. I've been on the Black Pearl every dive since I've been certified, but Safari takes smaller groups, and is way easier to board after a dive (especially when you are a total idiot on the surface and can't remove your fins). It goes out of South Florida Diving Headquarters - just like the Black Pearl - but seems to have a more laid back vibe. That's probably due to the fact that there are fewer divers aboard, and they know some awesome little reefs. Awkwardly enough, dive master Andrew (of the afore-blogged accidental almost nut grab) was aboard this dive as well. (so embarrassing) If he remembered my "incident" (which he probably didn't), he was nice enough not to say so. He's super helpful and competent (and totally adorable to boot), so my scuba husband didn't have to assume the role of the only eye candy on the trip, and I didn't have to lift a single tank. Also, I got some great shots on this dive. Lots underwater. Although the water was cold, and the visibility was a little low, it was a good dive.
My most epic selfie. Ever. I still can't believe this is me. |
There was a shark in this pic, I swear.
Ok, so it was a only a nurse shark. Still.... |
We saw lots of bugs on our dive.
Caught a couple for dinner. |
"At 60 ft, hair looks its best," said no one, ever. |
Schools of little, yellow fish. |
Still newbie diver enough to love the bubbles. |
Merhusband |